❗registration start

Many tattoo artists from Freiburg and beyond will be our guests at the Tattoo Circus. They offer great wannados from different styles, some are also up for customs designs. The artists will upload their designs either in advance on the homepage or Instagram, at the latest, they will present them on site, so that you can choose the right tattoo for you. You can register for your favorite designs directly on site at a central info point. We try to distribute the slots as fairly as possible, but it’s probably worth arriving early.

Tattooing will take place on Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

For tattoo slots on Friday you can already register on Thursday at 5 pm and also on Friday morning from 10 am. Registrations for Saturday will also be accepted from Friday morning.

If it is not possible for you to be there on time, or if you are traveling just to come here and want to make sure you get an appointment, you can write to us in advance and make an appointment in a morning block. Please send an e-mail to “tattoocircus-fr [ @ ] systemli.org” (remove spaces and brackets).

Hygiene is of course a top priority at the Tattoo Circus. Attention is paid to health protection and disposable materials are used. In addition, declarations of consent must be signed in advance.

❗registration start

Many tattoo artists from Freiburg and beyond will be our guests at the Tattoo Circus. They offer great wannados from different styles, some are also up for customs designs. The artists will upload their designs either in advance on the homepage or Instagram, at the latest, they will present them on site, so that you can choose the right tattoo for you. You can register for your favorite designs directly on site at a central info point. We try to distribute the slots as fairly as possible, but it’s probably worth arriving early.

Tattooing will take place on Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

For tattoo slots on Friday you can already register on Thursday at 5 pm and also on Friday morning from 10 am. Registrations for Saturday will also be accepted from Friday morning.

If it is not possible for you to be there on time, or if you are traveling just to come here and want to make sure you get an appointment, you can write to us in advance and make an appointment in a morning block. Please send an e-mail to “tattoocircus-fr [ @ ] systemli.org” (remove spaces and brackets).

Hygiene is of course a top priority at the Tattoo Circus. Attention is paid to health protection and disposable materials are used. In addition, declarations of consent must be signed in advance.

💬 Über Strafe, Gefängnis und die Zeit danach

(English below) Podiumsgespräch Der Vortrag wird auf Deutsch und akustisch verstärkt sein. Flüsterübersetzungen für Englisch möglich.

Zum inhaltlichen Auftakt des Tattoo-Circus findet ein Podiumsgespräch statt mit fünf Menschen, die Erfahrungen im Strafvollzug gemacht haben und bereit sind diese Erfahrungen und ihre Gedanken mit uns teilen. Was macht Gefängnis mit den Menschen? Wie schlägt sich diese Form der Bestrafung auf Linke nieder? Wie kann ich mich eigentlich auf das weggesperrt sein vorbereiten und was ist mit der Zeit danach? Wie kann gelebte Solidarität über Gefängnismauern hinweg aussehen und was braucht es dafür?

Die Podiumsveranstaltung wird unterstützt durch die Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. xxxxxxx

punishment, Prison and what comes afterwards

The presentation will be in German and acoustically amplified. Whisper translations are available for English.

To kick off the Tattoo Circus we will have a talk with five people who have served time in prison and are willing to share their thoughts and experiences with us. What does prison do to people? How does this form of punishment affect leftists? How can I actually prepare myself for being locked up and what will happen afterwards? What can lived solidarity look like beyond prison walls and how can it thrive?

The panel discussion is supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

🤸 bloth

“From pain we all rise. Bloth project is projected since first second breathing to human existence. Bloth project is about life as a ritual, about our form of rising from the roots and healing. Bloth [.1.] show wakes up the secret of your roots and bright up your pain, the ritualic show which brings pain to expression and liberation. What goes in, goes out. Find out your pain and bring it out.”

*** The show is a pain performance act and can affect sensitive watchers who suffers of heart disease or trypanophobia and hematophobia. The show includes visual content with needles and real blood. ***

Featuring __.nidal aka _.bloth

with doiredtrei

and doktorrfeez of visavajara_freiburg

✍️ screen printing

we are the druckeberga – a screen printing collective based at k@ts. we share our experiences and ressources to make screen printing accessible.

let’s print together!
fabric • paper/cards • stickers
more information available here

✍️ screen printing

we are the druckeberga – a screen printing collective based at k@ts. we share our experiences and ressources to make screen printing accessible.

let’s print together!
fabric • paper/cards • stickers
more information available here


💬 Restorative Justice

(English below)

Vortrag und Diskussion von und mit Rehzi Malzahn

Der Vortrag wird auf Deutsch und akustisch verstärkt sein. Flüsterübersetzungen für Englisch möglich.

Restorative Justice“ – ein Begriff, der nur schwer ins Deutsche übersetzbar ist – bezeichnet eine Praxis des Umgangs mit schmerzhaftem Geschehenen, darunter Unrecht und strafbaren Handlungen, der an die Stelle des Strafens Wiedergutmachung und Dialog setzt. Der entstandene Konflikt wird den Menschen als ihr Eigentum zurückgegeben (Nils Christie), seine Lösung kann von ihnen selbst bestimmt und gemeinsam, autonom erarbeitet werden.

Wichtige Eckpunkte der RJ sind der gleichberechtigte Dialogprozess zwischen allen Konfliktbeteiligten, die Übernahme von Verantwortung für die Handlungen der Vergangenheit und für den Prozess der Konfliktklärung, das gegenseitige Zuhören und Verstehen, die Wiedergutmachung (oder eine Annäherung daran) sowie die Wahrung der Autonomie und der Respekt vor der Integrität aller. Es scheint für viele vielleicht zunächst unvorstellbar, dass sich Geschädigte, Beschuldigte und weitere Betroffene an einen Tisch setzen, um über zum Teil äußerst schmerzhaftes Geschehenes zu sprechen und dann eine gemeinsame Lösung auszuhandeln. Es ist aber, wenn es gelingt, ein für alle ermächtigender und heilsamer Prozess.

In dieser Veranstaltung werde ich versuchen, so gut es mir möglich ist, die verschiedenen Aspekte und Methoden der Restorative Justice zu erklären, Fragen zu beantworten und Zweifel ernst zu nehmen. Insgesamt hoffe ich, Menschen Lust darauf machen zu können, ihre Angst vor dem Austragen – auch schmerzhafter – Konflikte abzulegen, in wirklichen Kontakt miteinander zu treten und Vorstellungen von Schuld und Strafe als Teilaspekte einer herrschaftsförmigen Gesellschaft zu überwinden. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht nötig.

🗣️ Rehzi Malzahn, Jahrgang 1979, wohnt in Köln und Südfrankreich. Sie ist ausgebildete Mediatorin mit Zusatzqualifikation für den Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich. Seit nunmehr über 10 Jahren beschäftigt sie sich mit dem Thema Konflikte und ihre Lösung, seit 2003 engagiert sie sich immer wieder gegen die karzerale Gesellschaft. Beim Schmetterling Verlag sind zwei Bücher von ihr zum Thema erschienen: »Strafe und Gefängnis. Theorie, Kritik, Alternativen.« (2018) und «Restorative Justice. Eine radikale Vision.« (2021) Sie arbeitet seit 2014 als freie Autorin, Übersetzerin und Konfliktbegleiterin/Mediatorin.
🌐 rehzimalzahn.net


Restorative Justice: something better than bare “Justice”?

The presentation will be in German and acoustically amplified. Whisper translations are available for English.

Restorative justice” – a term that is difficult to translate into German – describes a practice of dealing with painful events, including injustice and criminal acts, which replaces punishment with reparation and dialogue. The ownership of the conflict is given back to the people themselves (Nils Christie); its solution can be determined by them themselves and worked out together, autonomously.

Important cornerstones of RJ are dialogue as equitable process between all those involved in the conflict; taking responsibility for past actions and for the process of conflict resolution; mutual listening and understanding; making amends (or an approach to it), as well as respecting the integrity and autonomy of everyone. It may initially seem inconceivable to many that the injured, the accused and other affected people would sit down at a table to talk about what has sometimes been extremely painful and then negotiate a common solution, but if it succeeds, it is an empowering and healing process for everyone.

In this presentation I will try my best to explain the different aspects and methods of restorative justice, answer questions and take doubts seriously. Overall, I hope to inspire people to put aside their fear of dealing with conflicts – even painful ones –, to come into real contact with one another and to overcome ideas of guilt and punishment as aspects of a society based on domination. No previous knowledge is necessary.

🗣️ Rehzi Malzahn, born in 1979, lives in Cologne and southern France. She is a trained mediator with additional qualifications for “Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich”, which is a kind of perpetrator-victim mediation in the German judicial system. She has been dealing with the topic of conflicts and their resolution for over 10 years now, and since 2003 she has repeatedly campaigned against carceralism in society. She has published two books on the subject at Butterfly Verlag: »Strafe und Gefängnis. Theorie, Kritik, Alternativen.« (2018) (“Punishment and Prison. Theory, criticism, alternatives.” not yet available in English) und »Restorative Justice. Eine radikale Vision.« (2021) (“Restorative Justice. A radical vision.” not yet available in English). She has been working as a freelance author, translator and conflict companion/mediator since 2014.
🌐 rehzimalzahn.net

🎵 djs


acid house, breakbeats

toxic relationship

hyper pop & trance & remixes

🤸 die stars von morgen

We heat the party up with juggling, devil stick, hoola, poi, fans and staffs. It’s gonna be lit.