💬 Knastkritik

(English below)


Der Vortrag wird auf Deutsch und akustisch verstĂ€rkt sein. FlĂŒsterĂŒbersetzungen fĂŒr Englisch möglich.

Statistisch können GefĂ€ngnisse ihren angedachten Zweck der „Resozialisierung“ nicht erfĂŒllen. Wo GefĂ€ngnisse eigentlich herkommen und warum unsere Gesellschaft immer noch an ihnen festhĂ€lt, soll in diesem Vortrag beschrieben werden.


critique to prison – An Introduction


The presentation will be in German and acoustically amplified. Whisper translations are available for English.

Statistically, prisons cannot fulfill their intended purpose of “resocialization”. This lecture will describe where prisons actually come from and why our society still clings to them.

💬 Big Dreams

(English below) Der Vortrag wird auf Deutsch und akustisch verstĂ€rkt sein. FlĂŒsterĂŒbersetzungen fĂŒr Englisch möglich.

Das Projekt Big Dreams erzĂ€hlt vom erfolgreichen Kampf gegen die Menschenrechts-verletzenden Haftbedingungen von Brian Keller in der Schweiz durch kreative Interventionen in öffentlichen RĂ€umen, sozialen Plattformen, Theatern und in den Medien. Seit 2013 wurde Brian medial unter dem Psyeudonym “Carlos” kommerziell und politisch ausgeschlachtet mit der rassistischen Geschichte eines agressiven schwarzen Insassen. 🌐https://www.bigdreams.ch/


Big Dreams – Brian Keller, die rassistischen schweizer Medien und Justitzvollzug und der kreative Kampf dagegen

The presentation will be in German and acoustically amplified. Whisper translations are available for English.

Through creative interventions in public spaces, social platforms, theaters and the media, the Big Dreams project tells of the successful fight against Brian Keller’s human rights-violating prison conditions in Switzerland. Since 2013, Brian, under the pseudonym “Carlos”, has been commercially and politically butchered in the media with the racist narrative of an aggressive black inmate. 🌐https://www.bigdreams.ch/

✍ letters to prison

Praktische SolidaritÀt. Die Isolation der GefÀngnisse durchbrechen.
Was muss ich bedenken wenn ich Briefe in den Knast schicken möchte?
Wie schreibe ich einen Brief und an wen?
Warum ist Kontakt zu Gefangen halten so wichtig bzw. wie funktioniert die Repression der Isolation?


Practical solidarity: breaking through the isolation of prison.
What do I have to consider if I want to send letters to prison?
How do I write a letter and to whom?
Why is contact with prisoners so important and how does isolation as punishment work?


💬 Zwischen Resilienz und Abgrund

(English below)

Input & GesprÀch mit Thomas Meyer Falk

Der Vortrag wird auf Deutsch und akustisch verstĂ€rkt sein. FlĂŒsterĂŒbersetzungen fĂŒr Englisch möglich.

GefĂ€ngnisse sind zerstörerische RĂ€ume. Neben physiologischen BedĂŒrfnisse, wie Durst und Hunger, gibt es spezifisch existenzielle BedĂŒrfnisse: Bezogenheit, Transzendierung, Verwurzeltsein, IdentitĂ€tserleben, Rahmen der Orientierung, WirkmĂ€chtigkeit. Diese existenziellen BedĂŒrfnisse werden in GefĂ€ngnissen nicht nur nicht erfĂŒllt, sondern systematisch unterlaufen. Der Abgrund ist oftmals nur einen kleinen Schritt entfernt, der Boden beginnt zu schwanken, im nĂ€chsten Moment droht der Sturz in die Tiefe. Wie kann es möglicherweise dennoch gelingen, Haft, egal ob wenige Stunden in Polizeigewahrsam, einige Monate in Untersuchungshaft oder Jahre in der Strafhaft, seelisch zu ĂŒberleben? Was können wir selbst aktiv tun, um solche schwierigen LebensumstĂ€nde besser zu ĂŒberstehen? Was können wir tun, um Menschen die von Haft bedroht sind oder dort schon einsitzen, entsprechend zu unterstĂŒtzen? DarĂŒber wird Thomas, der im August vergangenen Jahres nach rund 27 Jahren in Haft entlassen wurde, versuchen mit uns gemeinsam ins GesprĂ€ch zu kommen. Nach einem Input von ihm, soll zusammen diskutiert, mögliche Erfahrungen geteilt und Ideen entwickelt werden, wie ein Überleben aussehen kann.


Between Resilience and Abyss

Input & talk with Thomas Meyer Falk

The presentation will be in German and acoustically amplified. Whisper translations are available for English.

Prisons are destructive spaces. In addition to physiological needs, such as thirst and hunger, there are specific existential needs: relatedness, transcendence, rootedness, experience of identity, framework of orientation, effectiveness. These existential needs are not only not met in prisons, but are systematically undermined. The abyss is often only a small step away, the ground begins to shake, and in the next moment there is a risk of falling into the depths. How could it be possible to psychologically survive confinement, regardless of whether it is a few hours in police custody, a few months in pre-trial detention or years in prison? What can we actively do ourselves to better survive such difficult life circumstances? What can we do to provide appropriate support to people who are at risk of being imprisoned or are already there? Thomas, who was released in August last year after about 27 years in prison, will try to talk to us about this. After an input from him, we can discuss together, share possible experiences and develop ideas about what survival could look like.

❗registration start

Many tattoo artists from Freiburg and beyond will be our guests at the Tattoo Circus. They offer great wannados from different styles, some are also up for customs designs. The artists will upload their designs either in advance on the homepage or Instagram, at the latest, they will present them on site, so that you can choose the right tattoo for you. You can register for your favorite designs directly on site at a central info point. We try to distribute the slots as fairly as possible, but it’s probably worth arriving early.

Tattooing will take place on Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

For tattoo slots on Friday you can already register on Thursday at 5 pm and also on Friday morning from 10 am. Registrations for Saturday will also be accepted from Friday morning.

If it is not possible for you to be there on time, or if you are traveling just to come here and want to make sure you get an appointment, you can write to us in advance and make an appointment in a morning block. Please send an e-mail to “tattoocircus-fr [ @ ] systemli.org” (remove spaces and brackets).

Hygiene is of course a top priority at the Tattoo Circus. Attention is paid to health protection and disposable materials are used. In addition, declarations of consent must be signed in advance.

tattoo slot

Tattooing will take place on Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

tattoo slot

Tattooing will take place on Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

tattoo slot

Tattooing will take place on Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

tattoo slot

Tattooing will take place on Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm.